Diriliş: Ertuğrul - Season 4
Diriliş Ertuğrul (Resurrection Ertugrul) – Season 4 – HD Streaming with Professional English Subtitles
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Diriliş: Ertuğrul - Season 4
In Season 4, the struggle of Ertuğrul and the Kayi tribe continues and it is becoming more intense as they fight now against the three different enemies, against the Crusaders, the Byzantine Empire and the great invasion of the wild Mongol’s, all at the same time. Furthermore, they are not giving up on their goal to conquer the stronghold of Karacahisar. And on top of all, they are struggling against the heavy betrayals among themselves.
Alternative Title
Resurrection Ertugrul
Added 3 new servers. OMMA, CAJITA TOP & UPTOSTREAM.
Yep, special thanks to Melissa for wonderful translation.
At the end of this Season, and before we start translating the Season 5 in a few days, I would like to thank everyone for your support, for your beautiful comments, which keep me going, and above everything for your Duas/Prayers. And of course for the donations, it really is appreciated. Thank you for being patient and understanding at times when I took longer to deliver an episode. There were times when I had to put my role as a wife and mother on the first place. If you have somehow benefited by watching “Dirilish Ertugrul” – Season 4, with… Read more »
May Allah reward you all for all your efforts. It has increased my faith amd strengthened my character. Even though this is just a series, it actually portrays amd shows us how real Muslims should act and behave through good and bad times. It is really relatable, especially in this day and age. Thank you all for taking your time out and making it easier for us. May Allah reward you all amd your families in abundance. آمين يا رب العالمين.
Ameen ,
you should watch omar series
As an American of Indian origin I really enjoyed the series. I was always curious about the great Steppe tribes and how they coalesced into nations. The history and formation of Turkey as portrayed in Erturgul series sheds light on this. I hope/trust the series adheres to historical accuracy. On another front, the philosophy adopted by Erturgul, while based on Islamic tenets, has a lot of overlap with my own Hindu/Bhuddist beliefs. The first – do one’s duty according to one’s conscience and leave the results to god. This is the essence of Bhagavad Gita. The second – where Erturgul… Read more »
Beautiful response Ivar . Islam in a true sense is submission to the will of Allah
really very happy to know that you noticed the positive.
many things in the Quran are as same as bhagwad gita.
no religion teaches hatered and anger.
Long live melisa hatun!!
Thank you so much ! This show gives me hope for each coming day! It has also strengthened my iman and gives me light on a dark day! Ameen God bless you all
very true
May Allah swt reward you Melisa Hatun and all the crews. Unlimited Rahmah to you Melisa InshaAllah. frm: Malaysia
May Allah azwjal grant each and every member that took part in making dirilis, helping us understand and become acquainted with the struggles of our brothers and sisters and bring everything to life… so so many lessons are to be learnt from the stories and ilm from the quran and hadith which relate to todays issues and help to solve them with sabrun jameel.. may Allah azwjal b pleased with u all, may he keep us all on the siratal mustaqeem and reunite us in jannah al firdous ameen
May Allah reward you and all the other brothers and sisters that involve in this beautiful project. It helps me as a new Muslim to strengthen my Iman as they did. It is the best series that I’ve watched and looking forward to Episode 4 in season 5.
appreciated all your efforts behind translation …dear you will glad to know we are die hard fan for this dirilsh ertugrul …i heartily thank full to you for your great time & hard work ,…Melisa may GOD give you good health & long life for such work
– Best of luck for your wonderful job & again we hearty Thankful …
i can not say how much we thankful to you
Such an amazing series, so full of the light Islam. Thank you to you and yours for all the work you put in. May Allah SWT reward and bless you and guide us all. JazakAllah Khair.
Long live Melissa hatun
Thanks alot for this effort u have made for the viewers
Eye Valla 🙂
Thank you so much!!!
M not able 2 downld nor stream it
Thank you so very much, MAY ALLAH swt reward you for all your efforts in helping us watch this.
So you are Melisa who translated, special thanks to you and your team
Why can’t I download it
Please I can’t find a server that will download the series.
Select UPTOSTREAM server, play the video… you will see a logo near the full screen button on the player, clicking the uptobox logo on the player will take you to a download page.
why i cant download?
I am a Muslim Nigerian, from a tribe called Fulani. We share a lots with Turks we are cattle rearers by herital occupation we also sell milk. Here in Nigeria we have Othman Empire too which was founded by a great Fulani Islamic Scholar sheikh Othman Bin Fodiyo the reformer (Almujaddeed)
Therefore all the struggles shown in film has a strong relationship with ours. Which happened 200 years back
We enjoy the movie and enjoying
It as well develop my interest of visiting Turkey one-day In Shaa Allaah if he permit I will learn Turkish language
Why can I not Download the Episodes??!?
Thanks for your effort making it english titles. May Allah grant you reward for this.
Ma-Shaa-Allah ! Splendid Effort. ❤
Spoiler⚠️ Mergen becomes Muslim … Allhamdullilah