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We are few months shy of completing a decade of sharing series and movies in this website and we have always been free all these years, sadly the landscape of streaming and web hosting has changed and it has been really difficult the last few years to maintain the site just using ads, I’m opening a VIP section now in bid to help me maintain the site as well as provide the members with exclusive content and features, you will get many features along with helping keeping the site afloat for hopefully many more years to come.

Features for being a VIP member:

  • Exclusively translated and dubbed telenovelas, series and movies (Streaming no ads).
  • Participate in Polls for choosing my next translation and dubbing projects.
  • Request subtitled Euro series from our offline vault (4000+ episodes).
  • You can request download links for any series on the website below 10-15 episodes.
  • You will receive priority in answering your requests.
  • Many extra features coming in the future.