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The Convict โ€“ Season 1

Judge Alicja Mazur, known for her harshness towards criminals, is accused of a murder she did not commit. She is sent to prison, where she has to survive among the women she previously condemned herself.

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The Convict โ€“ Season 2

Judge Alicja Mazur, known for her harshness towards criminals, is accused of a murder she did not commit. She is sent to prison, where she has to survive among the women she previously condemned herself.

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The Convict โ€“ Season 3

Judge Alicja Mazur, known for her harshness towards criminals, is accused of a murder she did not commit. She is sent to prison, where she has to survive among the women she previously condemned herself.

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The Convict โ€“ Season 4

Judge Alicja Mazur, known for her harshness towards criminals, is accused of a murder she did not commit. She is sent to prison, where she has to survive among the women she previously condemned herself.

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