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Charité – Season 1

Berlin, 1888. After penniless Ida’s life is saved at the Charité Hospital she must work off the treatment costs. While she becomes acquainted with the most brilliant physicians of this era at the world-famous hospital, the self-determined young woman discovers her passion for medicine.

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Charité – Season 2

Anni studies medicine during World War II at the Charité and is convinced by the race ideology of the Nazis. She is happily expecting a child by the recognized children’s doctor Dr. Artur Waldhausen. But when the child of the “Aryan post couple” does not develope normally after birth, Anni and Artur must make a tough decision. Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Sauerbruch conducts spectacular surgeries, assissted by his considerably young wife Margot and the conscripted Frenchmen Dr. Adolphe Jung. Sauerbruch is asked for help again and again, for example by his colleague Karl Bonhoeffer whose son-in-law Hans von Dohnany is supposed to seek refuge from the NS justice at the Charité. At the same time the head of psychiatry, Max de Crinis, advances the euthanasia program.

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