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Long after Sam first came to Mon’s rescue when they were kids, Sam is unambiguously Mon’s idol. In order to be near her, Mon gets a job working under her. When they finally meet again at the office, Mon is surprised by her icy exterior, so different from the image she’d had of her and what she herself wants to be. Mon and Sam aren’t just different in demeanour; they stand apart in class and between them is a gap of eight years.

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Midnight Motel

Mote works the night shift at his aunt’s hotel earning money in order to pay off his debt. There, he gets to know sex worker Kat after stepping between Kat and her angry employer. The pair of fuckups unexpectedly come together when they develop an idea for a sex work app to get out of debt. Mote’s friend Doi is roped in to do the coding.

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The Warp Effect

Alex is a seventeen year old shy kid who remains the only virgin among his group of friends. His multiple attempts to loose his virginity fails hilariously. One day he wakes up to find himself in another environment where he is no longer a virgin, but an expert on sexual relationships and a gynecologist. However his old friends hate him for unknown reasons and is close with a new set of people.

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