Yalancı Bahar (2011)
Yalancı Bahar (False Spring) – Turkish Series – Arabic Dubbing with English Subtitles
https://filefactory.com/file/7jtaoj1xvth7 https://filefactory.com/file/2ju7bzbcw3zt https://filefactory.com/file/3jovhjcfpmcr https://filefactory.com/file/485n953ve8wt

Yalancı Bahar (2011)
Kamran family is a well-known and respected family in Istanbul. Zainab is the daughter-in-law of this family. She is married to Mehmet and has a son named Omer. Zainab is a lovely young woman who has a secret that she cannot tell even to Mehmet. This secret has haunted her most of her life and is a heavy burden on her shoulders. Although Zainab has concealed the secret for 10 years, one day she realises that she cannot escape from this secret. Will the marriage of Zainab and Mehmet stand the secret buried in the past?
Alternative Title
False Spring
Hello, can you upload Hatirla Sevgili with english sub please… thank you!
When will you upload the rest of episodes
Hi, can you upload more episodes of this series please? Thank you for all your work.
Yes, we are working on the next episodes but we have to announce that the tv channel that was airing this stopped at episode 12 and then they started to show X Factor in it’s time slot, they didn’t warn if they will continue the series in few weeks or they will stop completely so just putting this out there, there is a chance they don’t complete the story.
hi! but the series is from 2011.. that means 6 years ago. So, dont you know if they showed it till the end in 2011??
Although the series is old the Arabic channel that aired this dubbed has actually aired it only this year, as we already explained they stopped airing it after episode 12, they didn’t continue the story, this is probably because it didn’t get many viewers. This show was also canceled abruptly in Turkey although they had time to make a final episode teeing some story line loose ends, we are still keeping an eye on the channel that aired this to see if they will continue it but they are still airing x factor in it’s time slot right now.