Forbidden Fruit - Season 2
Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit) – Season 2 – Turkish Series – HD Streaming with English Subtitles

Forbidden Fruit - Season 2
Yildiz is shaken by Sengul's betrayal, She takes an important decision about her marriage. Zeynep came to America unaware of Yildiz. Alihan is upset that he is unable to reach Zeynep, but He will look for ways to win her back.
Alternative Title
Yasak Elma
Ahmet Kayakesen|Ayşegül Çınar|Barış Aytaç|Barış Kılıç|Ebru Şahin|Eda Ece|Erdem Kaynarca|Gün Akıncı|İlber Uygar Kaboğlu|İrem Kahyaoğlu|Kıvanç Kasabalı|Melisa Doğu|Nilgün Türksever|Onur Tuna|Şafak Pekdemir|Sarp Can Köroğlu|Serkan Rutkay Ayıköz|Sevda Erginci|Şevval Sam|Sinan Eroğlu|Talat Bulut|Tolga Sala|Tufan Günaçan|Vildan Vatansever|Yeliz Şar|Zeynep Bastık
greetings to you my dear admin. up to this writing i’m still hoping and waiting that you will still continue to upload new episodes of this wonderful tv series… the ZeyAl love story, their journey, is what keeps me hoping that you’ll soon find time to continue to upload new episodes… please… thank you…
hello admin… please do listen to my plea… may i ask when are you going to resume uploading the succeeding episodes of this wonderful series?… hoping you would spare the time to read this message inspite of your hectic everyday schedule…
hello admin. it’s been quite a while since you’ve uploaded episodes for yasak elma season 2. may I ask politely if you will still upload succeeding episodes of this series? i’ve been following up for uploads with english subtitles for this drama series bcoz you have a quality interpretations of their dialogue lines. kudos to your hard work and it’s highly appreciated. likewise, i’m indeed hooked up on the ZeyAl love story. thank you and good day.
Is this series cancelled????
hello admin/support team. you made my heart smile today bcoz you added another episode for this exciting, mind-blowing love story of ZeyAl… big thank you. looking forward to another upload…
Episode 3 added.
Episode 4 added.
Hey, when will you upload more episodes, please?
hello admin good day. may I politely ask, when are you going to upload the succeeding episodes of this season 2 series? indeed, almost everyday, i’m checking for the new episodes. and so far it stopped on episodes 1 and 2. I’m still patiently waiting for I do love the story of ZeyAl… I’m hoping you’ll spare sometime to read our comments then… thank you…
Sorry dear, it’s been a while because I need to focus on other things but hopefully now I will have more time to spend in syncing the subtitles for this series, episode 3 now added.
you made my heart so happy bcoz of the added upload. big thank you support team. looking forward to the next episodes.
Please when are you posting the rest of the episodes?? I love this serie so much!!! It’s just the best
Episode 3 added.
admin please when are you posting the rest of the episodes…I’m really enjoying this series… thanks
happy to see that u have started to upload season 2… thank you so much… looking forward to the succeeding episodes