Everything About Marriage
Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey (Everything About Marriage) (2021) – Turkish Series – HD Streaming with English Subtitles

Everything About Marriage
Following an argument with her mother, a divorce lawyer leaves the family’s renowned law firm and joins a competitor, all while going through her own divorce.
Alternative Title
Evlilik Hakkında Her Şey
Episode 16 added.
Hello Admin can I ask when you are posting new philippine teleserye ,thai lakorns and korean drama ???
By the way what is going to happen with ongoing thai lakorns and phillipine teleseryes ??
I’m currently encoding and have these new additions in my queue: Reflection of You (2021) KDrama Work Later, Drink Now (2021) KDrama Dali and Cocky Prince (2021) KDrama (Philipine Teleserye) Huwag Kang Mangamba (2021) or Ang sa Iyo ay Akin (2020) Thai drama, I will try to complete the last two remaining ongoing dramas in the next few days, both require syncing subs. I’m open to suggestion to any new you stuff you would like to watch wether KDrama or Thai Lakorns, I still have not looked on the new Thai dramas but my sources have plenty new stuff, I… Read more »
I added about 14 Kdrama now, some of them ongoing and they air weekly, this week I will catch up with Thai Lakorns then I think teleseryes after that https://wlext.is/recent-korean-drama/
Hi admin. Hope you keeping safe and well. I just wanted to ask if you could please post the rest of Kiralik Ask if time permits you to. Thanks for all the hard work you do and endless hours you take to post.
I started updating Kiralik Ask again now.
Episode 10 posted now.
Hello! Is the omma server not working? It was the best one tbh
What happens when you try to watch on it? It’s working fine for me.
Was not working then. Pretty fine now. Touchwood. Hope u r doing well now
Episode 8 & 9 added. 8 was last week’s episode and I forgot to post it 

Episode 7 added.
Hello, can you post “Uc kurus” and also provided it with a 1080 download link?
Yeah I can add this series but it will be 3 days after airing, I mean when it airs in Turkey after 3 days I can post the episode, I already have episode 1 ready, if I have time later tonight I will post it otherwise tomorrow.
Ok sounds great. Thank you!
We want The neube Burren Season 3 And 4 Please Upload Asap
Hey sorry to bother you, I know you have lot on your’e plate. I’m wondering, if you will be able to post the second episode of uc kurus by tomorrow?
Yes, by this time tomorrow episode 2 should be ready. In fact I just finished recording it but it will take until tomorrow for syncing and encoding.
Episode 6 added.
I started watching The Split. Supposed to be a British series but I could only see a handful of British actors among the myriad of Asian and African actors. WTF?? Welcome to the new and improved Britain. 40 minutes was all I could stand of that nauseating trash.
I’d rather watch the Turkish version. More exciting, more realistic, less politically correct.
The only part I dislike so far is the sly curly Romeo, constantly circling and skulking around Azra. Can’t stand the sight of that clown. I smell a huge cliché here.