The Same Sky - Season 1
Der Gleiche Himmel (The Same Sky) – Season 1 – German Series – HD Streaming with English Subtitles
Millions of thanks to German Period Drama Translations for recommending this show.

The Same Sky - Season 1
Cold War, the seventies. Lars is a Romeo agent from East Germany: he must go to the West side and seduce and spy on Western women who work in government or defense institutions.
Alternative Title
Der Gleiche Himmel
Was there season 2? looks like this ending is not completed. Anyway you can find out? Thanks!
none of the servr is working in my country
Just added a whole bunch of new servers and replaced dead links. Try them.
thankyou so much
Very good series that shows how much worse Cold War things were than they seemed at the time. East Germans were brilliant at spy craft, made a science out of it, easily overwhelming the west. Definitely a winning performance that is easy to believe. History buff.