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Combustion (Combustión) – Spanish Movie – English Subtitles

Original Title: Combustión
English Title: Combustion
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: MA15+ S (Sexual Refrences and/or Sex Scenes)

“Mikel is about to marry Julia, owner of a large jewelry store she inherited from her parents. During the party announcing their engagement, Mikel meets Ari, one of the waitresses at reception. The attraction that arises between them will make Mikel get interested in the world of Ari: illegal car racing. He falls for her and decides to leave Julia, without knowing what the plans are for Ari with him. as you’ll discover A sexy Spanish spin on The Fast And The Furious. Directed by Daniel Calparsoro and stars Álex González, Adriana Ugarte, Alberto Ammann.”

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