Queen of the Night
Queen of the Night
Gecenin Kraliçesi (Queen of the Night) – Turkish Series – English Subtitles

Queen of the Night
Kartal is an orphan who is raised by Aziz the man who killed his father. Kartal married Aziz's daughter Esra but falls to Selin and feels obligated to leave her.
Alternative Title
Gecenin Kraliçesi
Thanks for uploading this one, will sure watch it rather than Te acuerdas de mi? as this is the original version. Original versions are much better.
great tv series thanks a lot.
Hai why episode 3 can not open on server streamango? Please
Hi – How to watch this? Does it require signing in or some kind of registration?
Thank you so much for uploading this series. Can you please also upload new series 4N1K on your website? It will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
First thank you all who made this viewing possible. Uptostream is the best streaming server without ads, however after few episodes requires to pay a fee.
Dear support team,
Episode 13 does not work. Please check it. Thank you very much!
New servers added, try again please.
thank you very much
I really hope that Vatanım Sensin will be translated into English. It’s a really really good show.
why cant i watch any of the episode on stream or open load
Openload is now working and we also added new server. For streamhd to work need to disable ipv6.
Do you have the magnificent century series in English or is there anywhere i can watch the second season? thank you.
Not sure about the second season dear but we plan to add season 1 here soon, we will see if our source can get us the rest.