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Betty in NY

The series revolves around Beatriz Aurora Rincón Lozano, an intelligent and capable young Mexican woman who lives in New York City who goes after her dreams, overcoming prejudices in a world where image is everything. After suffering six months of rejection in all jobs that she applies due to her lack of physical attractiveness, Betty decides to accept a job far below her abilities.

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Blood and Wine

Crisanto Castañeda and Natalia de Montiel are very passionate about the vine. For them, the cultivation of grapes, the processing of its juice and the quality of their wine is not just a job or a way to sustain themselves…it’s a passion, a lifestyle, the only way to breathe and feel. This is the story of two intense and complicated families, the Castañeda and the Montiel, their encounters, their enmity, their loves, their hates, and their intolerances, on the edge of the great passion they share: the vine.

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Born For You

An ancient Japanese myth tells the story about the Red String of Fate, it’s when two people with connecting red strings are destined to meet and fall in love. A young hopeless romantic and a Celebrity Hearthrob who share the same love for music find themselves tangled up in their shared past and their connecting red string of fate.

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Break Shot

A street-smart young girl from the slums hopes to become a professional pool-hustler in order to earn money and make it big. Soon, she learns that winning at pool and life are filled with challenges, especially for a girl in the male-dominated world of billiards. She realizes that there is a steep price to pay while making it to the top, and she must fight her way to get a shot at becoming a pool champion.

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Bridges of Love

A story like no other, which shares the tale of two brothers, Gael and Carlos, who were bound by their promise but separated by an unfortunate tragedy. Then love bridges the distance between Gael and Carlos as they both fall for one woman — Mia, a club dancer who happens to be Gael’s greatest love and the woman who healed Carlos’ broken heart. Will their love for Mia be the ultimate test to their brotherhood? In the end, will love be the cure, or will it create an irreconcilable gap that will tear them apart permanently?

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Broken Angel

Santa Diabla: is the story of Santa Martínez, a woman who seeks revenge for the murder of her husband Willy Delgado.

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Broken Angel (English Subtitles)

Santa Martinez is a beautiful and humble woman who had never moved from Marrero, the small town where she grew up, married her lifelong boyfriend, Willy Delgado, and had an adorable, clever little boy. A twist of fate leads Santa Martinez to live the worst of nightmares, after which she is driven to devise a plan for “perfect” vengeance. The flaw in her plan develops when she realizes that love is once again knocking on her door. That is when she has to choose whether to sacrifice love or the vengeance she fought to have.

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Broken Promises

Three beautiful and innocent young women are deceived, used and abused by people engaged in a prostitution ring, where it will be impossible for them to escape.

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Cradle of Wolves (2019)

After causing the death of her millionaire husband Carlos, Catalina Creel, whose great beauty is only surpassed by her cruelty, will go to any lengths to secure her fortune and bloodline.

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Criminal Mastermind

This riveting series, based on true events, tells the chilling story of how a distinguished psychiatrist is exposed as an abusive monster and cold-blooded murderer. Highly respected by his peers, Dr. Raimundo Acosta has built a thriving practice and gained a solid reputation in his community as an accomplished medical professional and academic. However, for over two decades he has managed to conceal all the sordid events that regularly take place in his office.

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Dangerous Affairs

Miranda Cruz is a young woman who begins her career as a professor in the city of Miami at a high school specialized in the arts. What seemed to be the beginning of a promising future for Miranda becomes an uncertain one when a completely unexpected twist will force her to choose between reason and her heart’s desires.

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De brutas, nada – Season 1

In a contemporary Mexico City, a group of six sophisticated close friends navigate through every life experience imaginable together: love, lies, heartbreak, marriage, divorce, kids, career, job loss, fights, break-ups, and unbreakable friendships.

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De brutas, nada – Season 3

It’s been 2 weeks since we last saw La Mamobanda. Rodrigo is on fire with his wedding preparations. Hannah can’t assimilate her pregnancy and Grace prefers not to talk about her marital crisis. Cris is trying to make her life work, but she can’t stand Esther, who has commissioned Alejandro to write a new novel. Will this new dynamic work or is it the end of La Mamobanda?

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Decisiones: Unos ganan, otros pierden

This new anthology drama is more inclined towards thriller, suspense and action. It tells stories that are affecting ordinary people today. Inspired by high profile research, cases of human identity, social and political struggles, each episode focuses on a transcendental decision that will change the lives of the main characters in a moving, extraordinary and radical way. At the end of each episode, current statistics related to the central plot will be included, which were prepared by Noticias Telemundo to create awareness and reflection on the issues.

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Descendants Of The Sun (PH) (2020)

From the very beginning, their relationship was off to a rocky start. As part of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Special Forces, Lucas is always sent off to various missions that last from days to weeks. And with shifts as long and as busy as Maxine’s, the right timing was never on their side. She tries to distance herself from him and his dangerous job, but instead finds herself unable to resist him. One disaster after another befalls upon them, but their love stands stronger than anything that comes their way.

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Desperate Lies

Liana dreams of becoming a mother, but ends up having her trajectory crossed by events of high dramatic force, which affect her marriage to Tomás.

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