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The Unidentical Twins

Born as identical beautiful twin girls with very different personalities and fate. Duanyard, the older twin, chose the fast lane of celebrity life. She is self-centered and selfish, while her sister, Pilasluck, is cheerful, loves nature, and the simple country life. Unfortunately, Duanyard’s fate started going down the slippery slope and was forced to live in a brothel. Though separate, their lives intertwined in a web of deception and lies. They may share the same genes, but their fate and end are not the same as they are two of a different kind.

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To Me, It’s Simply You

Kiew is a villager, from one of the E-san villages, working in Bangkok. One day, his girlfriend breaks up with him. Heartbroken, Kiew decides to go back to his E-San Village, where he meets a girl called Chompoo. At first, Kiew and Chompoo didn’t get along and fight all the time because Kiew wants to sell his grandmother’s land which is occupied by Chompoo who works there. But as time went by Kiew starts seeing the sincerity of Chompoo. Will Chompoo and Kiew open up to each other about their feelings?

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