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Maria has a different man for each day of the week, until she meets Juho and falls madly in love with him. Unfortunately, there are not eight days in a week.

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They live among us, forever young and deadly seductive. And unlike vamps, it’s not blood they crave from their male, as 17-year-old Didi Tiensuu discovers when she beds her boyfriend for the first time and promptly kills him. The sultry nymphs Kati and Nadia take Didi under their wings in her new life as a divine being and sexual predator.

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Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

In the depths of the Korvatunturi mountains, 486 meters deep, lies the closest ever guarded secret of Christmas. The time has come to dig it up. This Christmas everyone will believe in Santa Claus.

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Shadow Lines – Season 1

During the 1950s, Helsinki was the focal point of the Cold War, as global powers and their intelligence agencies coalesced in the small neutral country that stood between the East and the West. Sphere of Shadows is an international spy thriller that follows a secret intelligence team whose mission is to defend the independence of Finland no matter the cost.

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The Wait

Elli lives in an idyllic and isolated archipelago with her husband, Miko, as the pandemic spreads around the world. Elli’s life is shaken when her childhood love, Miko’s old student friend, Olavi, arrives for a visit from France.

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Toisen Kanssa

Sarah and Touko have been trying for a long time to have a child. The situation appears to be hopeless. What happens when Sarah gets what she hoped the most for, but she could loose everything else?

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