A French Village – Season 7
A French Village - Season 7
Un Village Français – Season 7 – English Subtitles
Subtitles by RodCla on Addic7ed

A French Village - Season 7
As the trial of Daniel Larcher and Servier starts, Bériot must stand down as mayor the municipal elections were invalidated. Demobilized, Antoine finds Genevieve and the promise of a shared future, while Hortense, very alone despite the presence of Daniel, gently seems to slide into madness ...
Alternative Title
Un Village Français
Thank you so much for all you do!! I can’t tell you how much I love this site! Is there any way to get the new French series Les Combattantes?
One of the best TV shows I’ve ever watched.
Still desperately hoping to see the conclusion to this series! Are episodes 7 thru 12 available for season 7 with English subtitles yet?!? I for one, would be much appreciative! Thanking in advance.
Any news on when the last episodes will be available?
Where are the episodes 7×07, 7×08, 7×09, 7×10? There are already subtitles for them in addic7ed. When will you post them?
An unbelievably moving series. Best thing I’ve ever seen in my 71 years.
I love, love, love, the French Village. Will there be a continuation in 2017 with new series/episodes? Marcahetti is dead, Hortense is psychoctic, Daniel is depressed, Marie is dead, Lucienne is ……, etc. so what follows?????
French sources appear to say there will be more episodes in fall 2017 which will be the last batch of the season and series, though I’m not sure 100% because my French is a little bit rusty.
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!!!
No worries ^_^
Thank you so much for making the latest episodes of this wonderful series available to us!
You’re most welcome ^_^
This is a fabulous drama. La mise en scene est vraiment formidable. Merci!