Sofiya (Sophia) – Russian Period Drama – HD Streaming with English Subtitles

In 15th Century Russia, the last Byzantium Princess, Sophia Palaiologina, moves from Rome to distant Moscow to marry Czar Ivan III. Destined to become the first influential female figure of the Russian Empire, Sophia overcomes court intrigue and betrayals, and helps Ivan consolidate the fragmented country, push Mongolian invaders out, and build the Kremlin, the most magnificent symbol of Russia.
Alternative Title
Софи́я | Sophia
i love his serie andi awant to watch it, thank you
I loved his series but the end was to short
Thank you for having the series. Thoroughly enjoy it.
I really appreciate of I can download the series.
This is well done. Thoroughly enjoy it!
I really appreciate your hard work but is there a way to fix the spacing of the subtitles? I t n e e d s h i g h c o n c e n t r a t i o n t o r e a d
Just seen this comment, unfortunately the subtitles came hardcoded from the broadcaster like this we cannot change the font or anything with it.