Missions – Season 1
Missions - Season 1
Missions (2017) – Season 1 – French Science Fiction Series – HD Streaming with English Subtitles

Missions - Season 1
The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.
I am really enjoying this series. Thanks for having so much available I can not find anywhere else. Your subtitles are excellent.
4.5 out of 10, too much politics, around 5 episode its like a hammer of political correctness beating you in the head. If it wasn’t wrapped in SJW culture it could have easily been an 8 or 9
let me guess your American and just wanted laser gunfights and explosions and don’t realize that Europeans #1like intelligent dialogue, complex character development, and smart storytelling for the functional literate and educated cultured people arent bigot slackjawed drooling right-wing simpletons and tend to lean to the left #2 in the civilized world the American Democratic Party would be considered center -right at best you people are such backward gun-nut jesus-freak conservative zealots?Sorry there wasn’t enough car chases and fart jokes to Appeal to the American audience